Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's that dreaded time of the semester....finals.

Finals start tomorrow. First one up...Taiwanese. Gonna be hard...I can already feel it. Studying for this is proving to be a headache because it requires a lot of memorizing since I have to write down pinyin tomorrow. T_T

Thursday is 棋王 final which is basically memorizing tons and tons of 成語. Maybe I'll end up writing another long entry with tons of 成語 again as studying. It seemed to work last time. Haha.

Friday is the third class final which is probably going to be the hardest. The review packet was super hard that we all begged the teacher for mercy today. Good thing he's easily swayed and somewhat cut us some slack. But it's still gonna be super hard. @@

Yea this entry is really a nothing entry since I'm mainly doing this to procrastinate and take a break from studying Taiwanese. Guess it's back to studying...T_T

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