Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week's Recap

So I haven't updated in like a week with the main reason being that I'm lazy. I would open a new entry but never actually write in it. And I figured I should finally write before I forget everything.

So what's been done this week?

I've gone to three different club meetings/info sessions. The quote of the day for clubs...I went to a song writers club with my friend Dan who's white. First of all, we get there half an hour late and embarrass ourselves while they stare at us as we walk into the room. And then we introduce ourselves with Dan going first and saying he's an exchange student from America. Then I introduce myself and say the same thing. And then the club president goes..."可是....妳看起來像東方人..." -_____-|| Well no DUH dude. I am Asian! Just from America! LoL. So yea. That was interesting. Don't know which clubs I will end up actually joining. But everyone was really nice and it's kinda weird when everyone goes OOOOOOO when you introduce yourself as an exchange student. Haha.

So schedule has finally been set. I'm not very happy about it because I'm still taking three ICLP courses. I didn't come to NTU to take Chinese, even my parents didn't want me doing that. But I can't get out of it. So I'm just taking one NTU course in addition to the ICLP courses. It's called Special Topic in Foreign Language Teaching. Basically about how to teaching English. It's taught in English and I'm actually liking this class out of the three classes I that audited last week. So I chose to keep it.

Hm what else has happened. Oh bother...can't remember. Went to shilin nightmarket again last night and bought some shoes. And today we went to 101 area for the 3C convention. I bought a webcam! So now I can webcam with people! And later tonight heading to a club with friends to register to vote. LoL. A club that has a register to vote party. Amazing.

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